Jan 25Liked by Samara Bay

Rulebreakers and Worldshakers reporting for duty.

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Hahaha OMG I LOVE IT. We ride at dawn.

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Jan 31Liked by Samara Bay

9 for 9.30

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‘Power’ in any context is a tricky beast these days. You explore and encourage in such a humanistic and generous (to self, to others) way... love love love. It’s big messaging, this. So much bigger than just getting a room behind you. With you on the greater good, 💯!

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Jan 27Liked by Samara Bay

Hate I missed this. Will you do another?

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I will! AND I just edited the post so it links to the replay, in case you'd like to watch what you missed! It was truly a fabulous time.

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Love your rules!! They are my natural MO, but I grew up getting into trouble ALL THE TIME for being this way. Finally, permission to speak! 🤣🤣🤣

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Jan 24Liked by Samara Bay

Ooh this is cool because I grew up as an adamant rule follower, but these rules make me feel like the mischievous person I always wanted to be! 😛 Mischief for justice, sounds like good trouble!

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EXACTLY! Good trouble all the way.

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Jan 25Liked by Samara Bay

Sounds amazing! I have a class to teach...how might I access the replay?

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It’s up! Latest post on HOW TO SHOW UP ❤️

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Absolutely! 😏

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I'm thankful I can hear your Leftist justice language but still agree with you encouraging people to speak up if needed to help the group.

I've always felt everyone else understands the rules of society while I can't help but see both sides of everything and thus question everything.

So, I'm always the oddball even within fringe groups so I am totally familiar with just asking questions and it causes chaos because my perspective is more in the minority regardless of the politics of the room.

We should defuse the anxiety of social interaction by being comfortable being uncomfortable.

Most people feel like marginalized revolutionaries. I encourage us on both sides to let go of this stupid conflict.

The king troublemaker runs this divide and conquer system of capitalism and Communism.

I'm saying, we who are radical need to stop encouraging revolutionary rebellious behavior, it's not actually cool, despite it being as popular as porn and energy drinks.

I am one of these Joker types and I'm saying this. We are those who can both act real wild yet also keep cool while everyone else is freaking out so we should seriously work with each other across the political divide to help build a new normal shared culture to say not everyone is going to get sucked into this Civil War.

I can both not want a migrant invasion from the South while asking these rightwingwrs to go down there and help these people integrate in our Americam culture so we don't fight each other while a very few jerks at the top of the power pyramid take advantage of all of us beneath them in this system we both need to let go of.

We need the radicals to cooperate on a new authentic centrist vs the corporate government (mafia) centrist of both the mainstream and fake alt media.

Thank you for rising above the frey and leading with your minority view.

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Judy saw the post today 😲

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