Thanks for your brave ask šŸ™šŸ¼ My core essence walks around dilated to 11. And then my guts spill on the sidewalk and not everybody is cool with the mess of it, and I wonder why don't they like me? šŸ˜† Vulnerability is power, right? Context, darling...

Once you bust open the shutters to your heart, really fling 'em wide, it feels so AMAZE that it takes nuance and sensitivity skilz to pull back and like, whisper. I'm a (former?) performance artist who pulled waaaay back into her shell to write when singing in public became dangerous (pesky virus). My heart calls me back. I adore your Big Brave Voice.

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Well this is a whole sermon. THANK YOU and Iā€™m so glad your heart has thoughts!!

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I am a singer/songwriter and I host a podcast about songwriting called "Pursuing the Muse". I love the privilege of a microphone to attentive ears. I share songs and emotions to create a connection and on the podcast I try to glean songwriting tips and tricks from amazing songwriters that make it more approachable as a craft everyone can do if they want to.

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Ooh this is so juicy! I have someone for you to connect with!

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Apr 26Liked by Samara Bay

I am comfortable ā€œperformingā€ in front of an audience (whether itā€™s the zoom room or a work presentation or working with clients). But I have been dealing with HELLA imposter syndrome and ā€œnot enoughnessā€ in my professional life and then the ā€œtoo muchnessā€ in my personal life. Iā€™m hoping the solution to both of these is to reestablish my online presence so my Goldilocks, ā€œjust rightā€ folks can see my bat signal and come hang out! This community feels like one of those Goldilocks places btw šŸ’–

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I appreciate all of this and keep me posted on the process of establishing!

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Apr 27Liked by Samara Bay

This. I'm enough of a Leo to love the spotlight but too much of a Virgo to want to be in it too long. I just got shhhushed today for laughing too loud at an open air event, the first time I'd felt comfortable enough to be around office folks outside work. Meh.

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OMG that's so crappy. The impulse to shush! Do I ever do it, I wonder?? I guess to my kid sometimes if I'm trying to teach him to read a room... but otherwise, whyyyyy would you go around giving joyful people LESS permission???

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Life is a fucking Stage. We're ALWAYS performing. At least, I am. It's never finished.

The show is over when they carry me out on my shield. Vanquished. It'll be a Pyrric Victory for them because I'm going down not only swinging, but loaded up with heavy fucking artillery.

I'm fucking here until the bitter end...like my marriage to Lucille.

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It's super specific, but I host webinars on marketing for insurance agencies. However, I'm working on pivoting my career away from that and into areas more aligned with my interests, including personal growth, overcoming childhood abuse and trauma, and breaking generational patterns. While I may not be as interested in the subject I'm currently speaking on, I consider it all good practice for discussions I'm passionate about where the stakes are higher and consequently more intimidating.

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I was put in charge of a fast growing team early in my career - much to my dismay at the time. From there I developed the habit of assuming it was on me to lead the conversation. Now, I try to speak less and listen more. However, this experience makes me wonder how true that might be for others - specifically men.

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Your Audience might contemplate Owning being "too much."

So fucking what? What are they going to do about it except go back to their BORING lives and typing dumb shit onto social media comments?

Even live and in-person, if you snarl at people like you are some crazed Demon, they will leave you alone. I mean, who does that anyway? Try it. It works! Just trying to help here....

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I am the teaching coach for a 12 step recovery program for all of life's hurts, hang-ups, and habits at my church. I train the leadership team as well as write and teach lessons given during the large group meetings. I would LOVE to speak in public more.

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I think of Ani Di Francoā€™s album when I saw DILATE

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I love connections! I'm at rehydraters@gmail.com

Thanks for sharing all your gifts with us!

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somehow this was exactly what i needed to read right nowā€¦ thanks for sharing it <3

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Very glad to hear and my pleasure ā¤ļø

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Iā€™m not opposed (that is a lie) but I work one on one with people. Occasionally I make a pitch to a group or individual if they might refer people to me, but I do avoid that (which means referrals are a bit slow at times LOL). My stage is usually me, my client, and maybe my clients partner if they have one (and if that person is interested). I love you.

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Haha omg this response is a poem!! Thank you, Julie. I feel you hard ā¤ļø

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