And to answer your question- I learn from my friends all the time- we process our lives as we go along and pool our wisdom on everything- relationships/ parenting/ work/ family / sex/ love / books and just anything we are thinking about - I love the crowdsourcing of female friendship! My sons’ friendships look pretty different (MUCH less intimate sharing) and although they enjoy their friends and have fun with them I feel sad for them that they really don’t get a model for this type of intimacy

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I got that very much from your book and have the same experience with my mom friends, whereas my husband really and truly doesn't and it's painful. Separate but connected: the way you wove personal narrative into your well-researched book was a MASTERPIECE. I know how wrenching it can be to try to find the balance and I'm just gobsmacked by your writing over and over and over.

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Oh wow Samara this is so so lovely. I’m bowled over. Thank you!

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Apr 10Liked by Samara Bay

I have learned that my true laughter emerges when I am with my dearest friends in person or on the phone. When you can be so open, and build on decades (or even just a couple of years!) of connection, the joy and laughter are REAL. I feel most alive then.

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I feel most alive then too!! It's such a good point -- unabashed laughter as a measure!

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Apr 10Liked by Samara Bay

It amazes me how my kids (only one of the three is still a teen) show up for, not only friends, but also for people they may never have met.

During the pandemic, it wasn't just COVID-19 that spread among teens, but a feeling of hopelessness and isolation, leading many to attempt suicide.

One of my sons somehow became the go-to guy to contact if someone was contemplating this. This happened more than once, and we would go through the process of calling the police, who would then have to track down the person who was threatening to unalive themself.

I'm happy to say that none of those we knew got to that point, and one of them came to live with us and has become an additional member of our family.

The extent to which Gen Z are willing to take a stand and care for those beyond their own circle makes me a proud parent.

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Oh my god I so appreciate you sharing this -- I don't have a window into this Gen Z covid experience at all and wow wow am I glad to hear it and huge hug and congrats for your parenting and your kids' deep friending.

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Great stuff. Nuff said :)

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Love this -- connection over competition 🔥

Friendship is the engine that keeps me running. I am lucky to have authentic friends near and far. My longest-running friend from junior high has a knack for telling me what I need to hear when I need to hear it. She recently described this incredible fitness class she'd just had where the instructor had all these women pounding the floor at the same time with their weights, like they were creating a big, powerful storm (awesome! I've been in that exact kind of class!). And she followed it up with something to the effect of "this instructor reminds me so much of you, the way you make people feel like they are capable of anything..." This gal does not drop compliments willy nilly. She's not easily impressed. So when she says stuff like that, and I know she means it, it feels pretty incredible.

My kids have been wanting to play on the hill by their school after dismissal lately since the Midwestern weather has been so nice. I've started bringing a blanket & snacks & inviting their buddies & parents, whether they want to hang with me, or just drop their kids to run an errand. Either way, we get a bit of good conversation or some time to ourselves while the kids play. Parenting and friendship win 🙌🏼

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This is brilliant!!! Community care times a billion and YES YOU DO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL CAPABLE OF ANYTHING. Julie!

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Yes!! What a sweet story and love that they were taught to do this. Thanks so much for the shoutout for BOYMOM!

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Prague is a pretty transient place. People come and go, while somehow, I remain here. Getting out of the expat bubble is hard for lots of reasons, but the friendships I’ve made here have been some of the deepest and weather-tested friendships I’ve ever had. (I guess it takes a certain type of person to pack up and leave home for foreign lands!)

But there was a 3-month period where it seemed like all of my friends had left. And that period was one of my loneliest and darkest periods of my life. When those friends returned to Prague, I made it a priority to dig in deeper and make sure I was lovingly nurturing those relationships as much as possible! 💖

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