OMG. Immaculate is right. I love how you manage a Zoom room with love but clear boundaries—you keep things moving. It makes the experience interesting and engaging. Love the vibes, and thank you for the calendar! I'm noting these, now. :) My current battle is discerning how much to write down when I prepare my videos. I don't want to read a script, but I get so flustered when I'm recording that my brain goes blank. BLANK. It's a physical phenomenon, my body freaks out. Without notes, I have nada in my head. I really don't know how actors and speakers do what they do. LOL. Whole new level of respect. I want to bring my presence (which happens in real life, without trying) to my videos.

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Will you PLEASE bring this to our next Q&A?? I have ALL THE THOUGHTS (plus presence haha)

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LOL. 😂 I’d love to. 💯🫡

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Same. Thank you for this Q 🙏🏽 without a script I can ad lib ok, but then I go on and on and on 😂 and it takes for effing ever to edit it

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*Edited to add: I want to bring my presence AND my thoughts, at the same time, to my videos. The thoughts are also pretty key.

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How about what to look for to "read the room"

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May 25Liked by Samara Bay

What about being authentic and speaking our truth but without hurting other people's susceptibilities? Personal and cultural? Sometimes I speak and the listener misinterprets due to a difference in cultura and vocabulary.

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Hey Samara! Honestly, all of them sound great. One that stuck out to me a bit more was the warm up one. If this means in a way that prepares you both physically and mentally then I’d love to hear your teaching about it. It’s the transition period — SO crucial. Thanks! 🙏 🪄✨

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I can't make June 7th because I have plans to meet b corp folks locally which how cool is that? But I'm interested in the how-to-get-a-gig question. Breaking out of the church world is proving massively difficult and while I do like self-reflection, I also .want to be heard.

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Another idea - how to speak / help others feel empowerment or inspired or informed by our speeches w/out conveying or leading with fear?

I find myself sharing a lot of scary, but real things going on with my online and public audience and I think I need to engage in a different way! LMK if this makes sense ✨♥️

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How to know where to show up and how - I've been fixated for an entire year trying to figure out what my voice is for, who it's for and how they need me to show up. Instagram? Podcast? I've made so much progress, but have missed out on sharing so much valuable information because I am in my own way!

I listened to the how to be brave video recording which was so impactful! I'm doing those exercises you talked about.

Maybe we could talk about how to breakdown the ego and get out of our own way in order to show up for others.

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Would also love to hear more about a formula for getting the point across in a 15 second interview to a 3 minute speech. Something like

1. Identify issue

2. State a question or concern about the issue

3. Give a solution or bring a new perspective

4. Call to action

I’m reading your book now, so I’ll probably come across something like this soon!

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Hey there!! I’d love to hear some feedback about knowing how to discern if I should speak up or sit and listen! Example - I’ve been speaking out in many public settings in my city recently, some speeches/comments were great, but others felt like my intent was missed because it might have been forced on my side, if that makes sense!

Feeling like I HAVE to show up and say something, anything or else I’m not “doing my part” due to a sense of urgency and like I’ve already missed out on so much opportunity to make change 🙈 I have high expectations for myself lol.

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This is AMAZING! Thanks for sharing the dates! I'd love to discuss how to pitch without sounding pitchy (i.e., not too rehearsed but still professional). Also, how to pitch to different audiences, including investors, collaborators, friends & family, and your true target audience. Finally, how much of a pitch is about content vs. confidence....I have an instinct that people don't always connect with the idea but rather with the person.

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